Prevent4Work Second Press Release – Milan Symposium
First symposium and ideas contest of the “Prevent4Work” project In Milan, health institutions, technology enterprises and the academic world, met to discuss the prevention of work-related musculoskeletal problems Milan – November 15th, 2019 The first symposium and the ideas contest of the European project Prevent4Work took place successfully on November 15th at the Grand Hotel
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Prevent4Work Press Conference in Zaragoza (September 19th, 2019)
Last Thursday, September 19th, the first press conference that presented information regarding the European project led by the University of San Jorge, Prevent4Work, which deals with WMSDs or Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders, took place in Zaragoza. Various media outlets, which we list below, have echoed this press conference. TELEVISION Appearance in Aragón Noticias (Aragón Televisión):
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P4Work in the media
Aragón Digital (November 13, 2018): The USJ leads two European research projects that manage more than one million euros San Jorge University has started the meetings of two European research projects that, in total, manage more than 1 million euros. One of the projects aims to prevent musculoskeletal disorders and the other aims to combat
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Welcome to the 1st newsletter of Prevent4Work
Click on the image below to access the Newsletter.
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Second transnational project meeting of Prevent4Work
The 2nd transnational project meeting of Prevent4Work has been scheduled for June 12th in Milan, at the Auditorium of the Galeazzi Orthopaedic Institute. The encounter will be about the project evolution to date, possible adjustments to be implemented and planning of next milestones. The consortium will also discuss about the development of the mHealth tools
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Press Release: Knowledge Alliance for Innovative Measures Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders
The World Health Organization has defined a WMSD as one musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) that results from a number of physical and psychosocial factors, and where the work environment and the performance of the work contribute significantly to the causation of the disease. According to an analysis report published by the European Agency for Safety and
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