
Press Release: Knowledge Alliance for Innovative Measures Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders

The World Health Organization has defined a WMSD as one musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) that results from a number of physical and psychosocial factors, and where the work environment and the performance of the work contribute significantly to the causation of the disease. According to an analysis report published by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) in 2017, WMSDs are a common and costly problem for companies across Europe: they result in most lost days and permanent incapacity to work and they account for €240 billion (up to 2% of GDP). The answer to the WMSDs problems in companies is a holistic prevention,taking into account multifactorial risks for every individual, in order to propose a tailored educational programme to every worker’s needs. Prevent4Work (P4W) is the European project developed within the Erasmus + Programme that offers innovative e-learning courses focused on improving the prevention of Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders, taking into account the different laws and boundary conditions across Europe. It promotes acooperationbetween academic world, work health-related institutions, technological SMEs, and healthcare enterprises across Europe, establishing a network (Prevent4Work Observatory) to develop and implement innovative educational programmes, materials and actions to manage WMSDs. P4W consortium, formed by academic, technological and health-related partners from Denmark, Italy and Spain, after conducting a research on risk factors, will develop interactive, audio-visual and educational contents, which will be adapted to each type of user (worker, health professional, student, researcher, etc.). These training materials will be accessible throughan online platform (mHealth Training Platform) and a mobile APP (mHealth APP), which will also allow the participating Institutions to extract data from different risk factors (physical activity, diet, quality of sleep, psychosocial factors, etc.) in order to produce tailored educational programmes to every worker’s needs. The interactive environment helps to create a friendly learning atmosphere and increase adherence and compliance for the workers on educational resources. Using Big Data tools, Prevent4Work aims at achieving a continuous improvement, constantly obtaining evidence, evaluating the results and adapting the tool to each situation. To find out more about the project visit the website
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