We Are Prevent 4 Work
The Knowledge Alliance Prevent4Work for Preventing Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders aims at establishing a network which will develop innovative educational programmes, adaptive mobile Health (mHealth) tools, high quality evidence-based material and actions that can be implemented in EU to prevent Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders, addressing the gap in learning programmes that focus on occupational health, with participation of HEIs, ITC enterprise, educational SMEs and clinical expertise (Prevent4Work Observatory). The target groups are workers and enterprises from different sectors of activity, trainers, health professionals, HEIs and other stakeholders.
These measures will consist in 3 Congresses in Italy, Denmark and Spain, including
- 1 Ideas Contest
- 4 one-day workshops for trainers and health professionals
- 3 workshops for workers
- 6 blended and online training courses
- 1 practical guideline for trainers
- 1 strategic guideline for integration the courses into Universities Curricula