2021 Third Prevent For Work Symposium
Date & Time

Prevent4Work (P4W) is a project financed by the European Union in the framework of the Erasmus + programme. An international consortium of companies and universities have the goal of establishing a network between the academic world, the occupational health related institutions, companies of health technology and of different sectors. The aim is to develop innovative educational programs, material based on high quality evidence and actions that can be implemented in the EU to reduce the impact of work-related musculoskeletal diseases.
The “3rd Prevent4Work symposium –Work & Pain” will take place virtually on October 22nd, 2021 between 9:00 and 17:00 CET. Due to the uncertainty generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the symposium will only take place online.
The symposium has been organized by San Jorge University and INP Formación, in collaboration with the other Prevent4Work partners (GeosLab, VITECO, Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Aalborg University, University College of Northern Denamrk), and is co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission.
National and international experts will present the last progress regarding musculoskeletal diseases and the perspectives to approach such diseases in relation with work and leisure.
Every presentation will be retransmitted and translated live to Spanish and English.
The sending of abstracts is opened until October 04th. All the abstracts selected by the scientific committee will be published in the minutes book with the ISBN and each one will be associated with his own DOI.
The registration is completely free of charge and you can do it by clicking on “REGISTER NOW” until October 18th.
You can also access through the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/8616282452772/WN_yxEvgAE7TySyau_JDLnX8w
Each participant has the opportunity to present his/her own projects on the Posters and Oral Communications session.
These Works have to be related with the pain and work field, as well as with some of the topics that will be developed in the scientific program.
The selected abstracts will be invited to record a presentation video.
You can consult this link with all the abstracts presentation regulation. https://p4work.com/abstract-submission-regulations/
Extended deadline
- Period to send the abstracts: until October 04th, 2021.
- Date for the scientific committee to respond: until October 08th, 2021.
- Cut-off date to send the video: until October 17th, 2021.
Contact via email to p4work@usj.es.
9:00 | Start of the live broadcast. | |
9:15-9:25 | Greetings and presentation of P4Work. | Víctor Doménech |
9:25-9:50 | Work, Pain and Ergonomics. | Grace Szeto |
9:55-10:20 | The relationship between functional capacity and pain in workers. | Michiel Reneman |
10:25-10:50 | Multidimensional pain-related factors that affect ability to work. | Jone Ansuategui |
10:50-11:15 | Q&A. | Patricia Moreno |
11:15-11:30 | Coffee break. | |
11:30-11:55 | An historical analysis of posture and its role in the work environment. | Moisés Giménez |
12:00- 12:25 | The role of work-related psychosocial factors in musculoskeletal pain. | Rafael Torres |
12:25-12:50 | Q&A. | Luis Enrique Roche |
13:00-14:00 | Lunch break. | |
14:00-14:25 | Actions, Impact and Results of the Prevent4Work Project. | Pablo Bellosta |
14:25-14:50 | Risk factors and new frontiers in work-related musculoskeletal disorders –Development and validation of the P4Work questionnaire. | Francesco Langella |
14:50-15:15 | Education as a strategy for managing occupational-related musculoskeletal pain | Thorvaldur Palsson |
15:15-15:40 | Q&A. | Priscila de Brito Silva |
15:40-16:00 | Coffee break. | |
16:00-16:50 | Oral communications and presentations in a poster format. | Sandra Calvo & Carolina Jiménez |
16:50-17:00 | Closing of the symposium. | Pablo Bellosta & Víctor Doménech |

Professor Grace Szeto
Current position
- Professor and Head of the Bachelor of Physiotherapy Degree, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Tung Wah College, Hong Kong
Main other activities
- Member of Hong Kong Ergonomic Society
- Member of Australian Physiotherapy Association
- Member of the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association
- Member of the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Union
- Member of the editorial board for the journals ‘Applied Ergonomics’ and ‘Musculoskeletal Science & Practice’
- Extensive clinical experience in physiotherapy working in Canada, Hong Kong and Australia over 30 years.
- Teaching for over 20 years in the undergraduate and postgraduate physiotherapy programmes in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Extensive experience in physiotherapy curriculum planning and coordination of clinical education.
- Over 50 papers published in internationally renowned journals
- PhD (Physiotherapy), Curtin University of Technology, Australia
- Master of Applied Sciences, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
- Post-grad Diploma in Sports Physiotherapy, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
- BSc(PT), University of Toronto, Canada

Profesor Michiel F. Reneman
Current position
- Full professor Rehabilitation Medicine (since 2012). Main fields are Pain Rehabilitation and Work Participation.
Main other activities
- Co-chair Pain Alliance in the Netherlands (PAiN).
- European Pain Federation EFIC counsellor The Netherlands.
- Advisory member Fit for Work Netherlands, Advisory member EFIC Societal Impact Pain.
- Co-chair Taskforce ‘Integration of ICF and ICD’ International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP).
- Main research topics: Functional Capacity Evaluation, Vocational Rehabilitation, Pain Rehabilitation. Overarching focus on bio-psychosocial interactions with chronic pain and functioning.
- Research output (July 2021) PubMed: 201. H-Index: 39.
- Presently supervising 10 PhD students.
- BS Physical Therapist (Hanze Hogeschool Groningen).
- MS Human Movement Sciences (University of Groningen).
- PhD University of Groningen (University of Groningen): Functional Capacity Evaluation in patients with chronic low back pain; reliability and validity.

Jone Ansuategui Echeita
Current position
- PhD candidate in Rehabilitation Medicine at University Medical Center Groningen since 2017.
Main other activities
- Started career working as Physical Therapist in Spain and in France. Since 2014 conducting research projects on the field of Rehabilitation.
- Main research topics of research: Pain, Functioning, and biopsychosocial factors associated with them.
- PhD candidate: ‘Central Sensitization and (Physical) Functioning in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain’. University of Groningen [ongoing].
- MS Human Movement Sciences. University of Groningen, 2017.
- BS Physical Therapy. University of Valladolid, 2009.

Rafel Torres-Cueco
Current position
- Senior lecturer at the University of Valencia
- Instructor of the Neuro Orthopedic Institute
Main other activities
- President and founder of the Spanish Society of Physiotherapy and Pain (SEFID)
- Co-founder of the special interest group on pain of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT).
- Member of the International Myopain Society
- Member of the Spanish Association of Physiotherapists (AEF)
- Director of the Master in Manual Therapy at the University of Valencia.
- Main research topic: relationship between neuroscience and social sciences in the treatment of the patient with chronic pain
- PhD in Health Sciences (Universidad Católica de Valencia)
- MS Research in Health Sciences (Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera)
- BS Social Antropology and Culture (Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia)
- BS Nursing (Universidad de Valencia)
- BS Physiotherapy (Universidad de Valencia 1988)

Moisés Giménez Costa
Current position
- Physiotherapist in the Department of Occupational Health of the Diputación de Valencia.
- Pediatric Physiotherapist at the Valencian Institute of Audiophonology (IVAF)
- Professor in the Phsyiotherapy Department at the Universidad de Valencia
- Complete training in neurodynamics and pain, pediatric physiotherapy and orthopaedic manual therapy.
- Founding member of the Spanish Society of Physiotherapy and Pain (SEFID)
- Member of the Spanish Society of Physiotherapy in Peditatrics (SEFIP)
- Ergonomist and Psychosociologist
- PhD student in Health Sciences at the Universidad Alcalá de Henares (UAH)
- MS School Health Education at the Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir
- BS Physiotherapy at the Universidad de Valencia

Pedro Berjano
Current position
- Head of the Spine Surgery Section of the Orthopedic Clinic of the IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute of Milan
- Private physician at Columbus Clinic Center (Milan, Italy), Rome American Hospital (Rome, Italy)
- Chief of Spine Surgery at Clinica Santa Chiara (Locarno, Switzerland)
Main other activities
- Member of the AO Spine Foundation since 2011
- Member of the Evidence-Based Working Group in Orthopedics (GLOBE) since 1998
- Lecturer for the Japanese Orthopedic Association since 2011
- Invited for many years as a consultant surgeon to some of the most renowned centers:
- Les Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (Geneva, Switzerland),
- The Lindenhofspital (Bern, Switzerland),
- The Instituto Ortopedico Rizzoli (Bologna, Italy),
- The Policlinico Gemelli (Rome, Italy),
- San Camilo Hospital (Rome,Italy),
- The Molinette Hospital (Torino, Italy), ,
- The Regional Center for Spine Surgery (Vicenza, Italy),
- The Giovanni Bosco Hospital (Turin, Italy),
- The St. Maria della Misericordia Hospital (Údine, Italy)
- Pioneer since 1996 in the use of microsurgery techniques, thoracoscopic and laparoscopic, percutaneous technique for spine and kyphoplasty
- Succesfully applying since 2009 the latest minimally invasive techniques to complex procedures, including the XLIF technique for the treatment of lumbar pain, adult spinal deformities, core compression, and stenosis.
- PhD in Research (Universidad de Salamanca)
- Speciality in Orthopedics and Traumatology (Hospital Monográfico de Traumatología, Cirugía Ortopédica y Rehabilitación Asepeyo, Madrid)
- Speciality in Family Medicine (Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Granada)
- MD Degree (Universidad de Granada)

Francesco Langella
Current position
- Consultant of Spine Surgery at Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi (IRCSS) (Milan, Italy)
Main other activities
- Invited since 2007 as a consultant surgeon to some Spine Surgery departments of several international universities and hospitals.
- Observation stay at the “Spine Fellowship” (2015, San Diego, California, US)
- Research Fellowship at the Hospital for Special Surgery (2016, NY, US)
- Winner of the scholarship of the Società Italiana di Ortopedia e Traumatolgia (SIOT)
- Speciality in Orthopedics and Traumatology (Second University of Naples) – 50/50 magna cum laude
- Grado en Medicina (Second University of Naples) – 110/110 magna cum laude and acclaim of commission

Thorvaldur S. Palsson
Current position
- Associate Professor at the Department of Heath Science and Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark.
- Physiotherapist at Apex Fysioterapi – Examination and investigation of pain problems of the spine, pelvis, hip and shoulder.
Main other activities
- Physiotherapist for several soccer and handball teams at club and national team level.
- Physiotherapist in multiple clinics and multidisciplinary teams in Norway, Australia, Iceland and Denmark.
- Main research field: Musculoskeletal pain – relationship between clinical symptoms and the sensitivity of pain mechanisms.
- Several scientific publications on the manifestations of experimental and Clinical musculoskeletal pain conditions in collaboration with domestic and international research groups
- PhD in Clinical Sciences and Biomedicine (Aalborg University)
- MS Manipulative Therapy (Curtin University)
- BS Physiotherapy (University of Iceland)

Patricia Moreno Carrero
Current position
- Physiotherapist in Primary Health Care in the Madrid Health Service.
Main other activities
- Member of the Subcommittee on Pain of the Eastern Assistance Directorate of the Primary Care Management of SERMAS
- Member of the Advisory Committee of the Primary Care Management of SERMAS
- Member of the Board of the Spanish Society of Physiotherapy and Pain (SEFID).
- Member of the General Board of the Professional Association of Physiotherapists of the Community of Madrid.
- Maitland Concept: Assessment, examination and treatment of movement dysfunctions, Manual Therapy (IMTA)
- Conservative and invasive physical therapy of myofascial pain syndrome and fibromyalgia. (Universidad de Alcalá)
- Neuropediatric physiotherapy: cerebromotor reeducation of the young child according to Le Metayer. (Universidad de Alcalá)
- BS Physiotherapy (Universidad de Alcalá) – Extraordinary Graduation Award

Priscilla de Brito Silva
Current position
- Associate Professor at University College of Northern Denmark (UCN)
Main other activities
- Professional experience in Physiotherapy and Manual Therapy, emphasizing in therapeutic exercises and osteopathic techniques.
- Main fields of research: kinematic analysis of running, electromyography, lumbopelvic stabilization, abdominal muscle function analysis, sports injuries, ankle supports, postural changes and physical activity.
- Professor of Physiotherapy applied to Traumatology and Orthopedics, Sports Physiotherapy, Traumatology and Clinical Rheumatology.
- PhD in Biomedical Science and Engineering (Aalborg University)
- MS Human Movement Sciences (Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”)
- MS Manual Therapy and Osteopathic Techniques (Universidade Estadual do Paraná)
- BS Physiotherapy (Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”)

Luis Enrique Roche Seruendo
Current position
- Professor of Human Biomechanics and Sports Physiotherapy in the Physiotherapy’s Degree of the Universidad San Jorge (Zaragoza).
Other main activities
- More than 30 articles in international journals of biomechanics of the locomotive system.
- More than 10 years of experience in clinical examination of the biomechanics of the gait and run.
- Partner of more than 5 official master’s degrees in the field of biomechanics of the lower limb.
- BS Physiotherapy (Universidad Zaragoza)
- BS Podiatry (Universidad Barcelona)
- MS Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy. Kaltenborn-Evjenth concept. (Universidad Zaragoza)
- MS in Sports Performance: technification and high standards (Universidad de Barcelona)
- PhD Biomedicine (Universidad Granada)

Carolina Jiménez Sánchez
Current position
- Professor in the Physiotherapy Department of the Universidad San Jorge (Zaragoza).
- Researcher of the iPhysio group of the Universidad San Jorge (Zaragoza).
- Physiotherapist in the MAZ Hospital (Zaragoza).
Other main activities
- Member of the Asociación Española de Fisioterapeutas (AEF)
- Complementary education in therapeutic exercise, musculoskeletal pain, electrotherapy and manual therapy.
- Main research fields: invasive physiotherapy, traumatological physiotherapy and preventive physiotherapy.
- PhD in Socio-sanitary research and of the Physical activity (Universidad Castilla-La-Mancha)
- MS in Physical activity and health (Universidad Pablo Olavide)
- BS Physiotherapy (Universidad de Zaragoza)

Sandra Calvo Carrión
Current position
- Professor and researcher in the Physiatry and Nursing Department (Universidad de Zaragoza)
- Dry Needling for Hypertonia and Spasticity (DNHS© technique) instructor, both nationally and internationally.
- Instructor of Balance, motor control and treatment of the neurological patient at a national level.
Other main activities
- Secretariat of the Asociación para la Investigación en la Discapacidad Motriz (AIDIMO)
- Member of the Sociedad Española e Fisioterapia y Dolor (SEFID)
- Main research fields: invasive physiotherapy in the neurological patient / prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders
- PhD of Health Sciences (Universidad San Jorge, Zaragoza)
- MS in Community Physiotherapeutic Care and Pharmacotherapy for Physiotherapists (Universidad de Alcalá)
- MS in Manual Therapy and Osteopathy (Universidad Católica San Antonio, Murcia)
- BS in Physiotherapy (Universidad Miguel Hernández, Elche)

Víctor Doménech García:
Current position
- Hired professor doctor in the Universidad San Jorge
Other main activities
- Member of the board of the Sociedad Española de Fisioterapia y Dolor (SEFID)
- Member of the Sociedad Española de Fisioterapia y Dolor (SEFID)
- Continued clinical practice for 14 years with patients of musculoskeletal pain.
- 15 articles published in impact journals JCR
- Co-IP of the European Erasmus+ project Prevent4work
- PhD in Clinical sciences and Biomedicine in the University of Aalborg, Denmark.
- MS in Research of Primary Care (Universidad Miguel Hernández)
- BS in Physiotherapy (Universidad de Zaragoza)
- President: Víctor Doménech
- Chairperson: Pablo Bellosta
- Chairperson: Sandra Calvo
- Chairperson: Carolina Jiménez
- Chairperson: Julia Blasco
- President: Pablo Bellosta
- Chairperson: Victor Domenech
- Chairperson: Liliana Uncrop
- Chairperson: Javier Belsué
- Chairperson: Sandra Calvo
- Chairperson: Carolina Jiménez
- Chairperson: Luis Enrique Roche
CONTACT Contact us through email: p4work@usj.es.

Prevent4Work (P4W) is a project financed by the European Union in the framework of the Erasmus + programme. An international consortium of companies and universities have the objective/goal of establishing a network between the academic world, the occupational health -related institutions, companies of health technology and companies of different sectors. The aim is to develop innovative educational programs, material based on high quality evidence and actions that can be implemented in the EU to reduce the impact of work-related musculoskeletal diseases.
The “Third Prevent4Work Symposium – Work & Pain” will be held virtually on 22 October 2021 between 09:00 and 17:00 CET..
Due to the uncertainty generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the symposium will be held exclusively online (via the Zoom platform).
Registration for the Symposium is completely free of charge.
You can register by clicking on the following link until 18 October: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/8616282452772/WN_yxEvgAE7TySyau_JDLnX8w
National and international experts will present the latest developments in musculoskeletal disorders and the perspectives on how to address these disorders in relation to work and leisure. The symposium will focus on the field of pain and work, as well as some of the thematic blocks that will be developed in the scientific program. These blocks include topics such as musculoskeletal diseases that affect the ability of working or those derived from work activity, the return to work after an acute pain episode, the return to work as part of the recovery process, working with pain, psychosocial factors related with pain and work or social conditioning factors that may be related to musculoskeletal pain.
The following speakers are confirmed to attend: Grace Szeto, Michael Reneman, Jone Ansuategui, Rafael Torres, Moisés Jiménez, Pedro Berjano, Francesco Langella and Thorvaldur Palsson.
The presentations will be both in Spanish and English. All presentations in English will be simultaneously translated into Spanish. Likewise, all presentations in Spanish will be simultaneously translated into English.
During the entire broadcast, your webcam and microphone will remain disconnected. You must use the chat to ask a question to the speakers or moderators. This chat allows you to ask your question in a public way or privately to the moderator.
Yes. All the presentations will be uploaded in full to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Prevent4Work
Yes, all participants can submit their abstract to the scientific committee until September 21st.
The work must be related to the field of pain and work, as well as to one of the thematic blocks included in the scientific program.
For that, it is essential to read the rules and regulations at the following link: https://p4work.com/es/normativa-presentacion-resumenes/
All the abstracts selected by the scientific committee will be published in a minutes book with ISBN and each one will have its own DOI associated with it.
If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail: p4work@usj.es
We appreciate your future attendance and online participation in the symposium.